The enclosed QuickTimeVR movies were created by conVRgence Limited - a leading UK training centre and bureau for QuickTime®VR.
The Ark project was in conjunction with Marquetry with the end client being Seagram PLC.
The movie was intended for hard disk delivery and within a web page. A few pointers concerning its production are as follows:
• The movie was created at two resolutions and sizes, the first for hard disk delivery at 640x480 resolution in 24 bit colour (1600k). The second for the web page in 16 bit at 400x300 (488k-enclosed). The PhotoCD images for both movies were at 768x512
• The movie is a 3 node scene with 'jumps' on the reception desk and the rotunda. It was debated whether we should 'burn' into the original PICT file a lighter area or marker to indicate the jump, we decided against this to keep the integrity of the photos.
• The lens was a Nikon 15mm rectlinear, taken with 14 images on a Kaidan Universal bracket.
• The credit note on node 1 was 'burnt' into the stitched PICT, flat onto the panorama using PhotoShop - the QTVR player then bends the letters around.
• The lens flare on node 1 was added onto the panorama PICT using Photoshop.
• The files are then saved as suitable for Windows and given a suitable DOS file name.
• The web version of the file (as well as other QTVR examples) can be found at